Wow! What a 5 day blur in The Big Apple. Sam and I were there for the New York Pizza Show. Since he is the 2 time National Pizza Spinning Champ, he was invited to the New York Pizza Show to perform with the United States Pizza Team. Lucky for me, he couldn't go by himself! What a learning experience it is to stay and get around in New York! It seems like you are constantly rushing no matter what you are doing. After Sam spun Throw Dough all day and I sold Throw Dough and US Pizza Team Shirts all day, we were all treated to private receptions---and pizza---in some of New York's most famous pizzerias! By Wednesday, all Sam wanted was Burger King or mac and cheese! There WAS a place that sold only mac and cheese near Time Square! All I wanted was my own bed and a steak!
I returned home to a scheduled thyroid ultrasound today. Seems the radiologist and I are becoming fast friends. 3 nodules were detected on the right side of my thyroid making it 30% bigger than normal. Man, a goiter is NOT pretty! Of course he gave me the "I'm going to be frank with you," lead in and told me he felt sure these weren't cysts, but couldn't tell if they were benign or malignant. He suggested a Nuclear Medicine test involving radioactive Iodine. Io on the periodic table--i think. Anyway, long story short-- that is scheduled for the 24th, but I did have thyroid blood tests drawn today---on a Friday of course. LabCorp was not the Jerry Springer Show it was the previous blood draw and I was actually mildly disappointed. I digress...the dermatologist doesn't seem to think the thyroid, dermatomyositis symptoms and itching have anything to do with each other, but My internet researching buddies and myself are thinking otherwise...I am just glad it seems treatable at this point whatever it is. Having to become familiar with new medical terms is not my idea of expanding my vocabulary, but people have to do it every day, right? Life is good. Friends are great. Family is great. Prayer is great. God is great, God is good. Let us thank him for EVERYTHING, not just the obvious good stuff. I believe that there is a purpose for all things and we may never know the reason for it.
the jerry springer show??? should curt and i take offense???
No, dingdong...I was talking about the Blood draw not the CT scan, although you two apparently were putting on a show for all the patients AND their families in the CT waiting room! LOL!!!
i digress... "dingdong" i do like your term of endearment for me:b
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