Friday, March 7, 2008

Boot Camp, Coffee, Prayers

I woke up on the couch (apparently too tired to make it to the bed) this morning at 0509 because my fitness instructor sent a text message to Get Up! I had already decided last night I wasn't going, but when I woke up I felt so blessed to wake up less burdened than yesterday! So, I got up, got dressed and went. So glad I did. What a view...sunrise over the ocean. Ahhhh. Afterwards we went to our nearest locally owned cafe--Cafe' O Beach for Larges. I told my instructor,Shana and friend Lisa of my previous days trials. Before we left, Lisa asked if she and Shana could pray with me. It made me teary-eyed to be so blessed with these new friends. Friends who would hold my hands and thank God for me and the blessings He has given all of us through His Son Jesus Christ. What peace. I thank God for ALL of my friends. Those that fly to Florida to visit. Those who take me to dinner because she knows I need to talk. Those who hug me and tell me they know that everything will be fine. Those who pray for me from 1000's of miles away and call/email to check on me. My Sunday School class. Those who go for strong coffee with me after my CT because we all know what Barium can do to your GI tract (Dani said, "Think sidewalk chalk". I love that girl).


dani said...

think mikey's cat; think black tile floor envy. and, laugh!!! that's what i do...
l, d

carrie said...

oh my. alot transpires when i don't check a blog in a couple of weeks.
i don't know what has happened. i don't even need to know. i didn't have you in my prayers............ until now. and now is not too late!
i hope this note finds you healthy and happy and at peace today.
love, 241 south main