Sunday, July 12, 2009

Once upon a Pea...

Actually, it's the story "The Princess and the Pea" turned musical "Once Upon A Mattress"! The Summer of Fine Arts program here in our county auditions students from all of the schools in the south of the county for this one production. It's really great because they get to know other kids from area schools and attend each other's school productions throughout the year! The kids get college credit too! What a funny musical! The actresses and actors in this were soooooo funny and talented. It was really fun to watch. I took quite a few photos over the course of about a week of rehearsals and posted them all on my Facebook for the kids to see. Will was in the chorus and had a part as a dancer, Sir Harold :) Here are a few photos...


Amanda said...

It's nice to catch up with you again!
Glad you are all well. Great pictures. Love the fireworks!
Amanda x

Tanya said...

Great photos Dana!! Sounds like a fun week.. :)

Love Tan xxx