From my friend, Jen:
Remember the game, "Don't Spill the Beans"? It has little plastic beans and you fill up a precarious pot and try not to spill them all. Well, needless to say, Casey wanted to see what would happen if he stuck a bean up his nose. I think we had to use tweezers to get it out! Maybe that's why to this day he won't eat a bean!!
Amanda sees other people's children when home remedies don't work!! "Working in a recovery, I see a lot of kids (and sometimes adults too!) that stick things up their noses, in their ears and other places!!" Callum once put an M&M up his nose, but was able to 'blow it out'!!
Christy over at Cakerwakers:
"My cousin stuck styrofoam up his nose and his mother couldn't get it out. They had to take him to the hospital. Kids are gross.
A Bite of Country Cupcakes: Lovely to have you come by my blog and Hilarious to hear of more foreign objects up noses! I later found out that Missy only put it up her nose after Big Brother put it up his! He successfully, in his words, "Snotted it out"!!!